Toastmasters meeting in a lecture theatre at the University of Canterbury

What a meeting!

What a night! This posting will be a long list of commendations for everyone 🙂

The first commendation goes to our Hospitality, Sergeant at Arms and Presenter for the night, Timm. He stepped into his multiple roles for the night with such ease it was not evident that he had 3 roles last night.

A big thank you is in order for Timm for securing an ideal venue in a lecture theatre that was complemented with 2 wireless microphones.

He began the meeting on a high note for me, the Toastmaster, as he introduced me as such as megastar. How could I not continue that positive energy throughout the meeting!

I think his idea of playing the game “Taboo” enabled us to use the microphones with ease, loosened up our speaking fears and brought out our competitive spirits. It will be a game to remember and relive for many meetings to come.

As the Grammarian, Ross’s WOTD challenged us to position ourselves on his language “spectrum” throughout the night. He summed up his report by highlighting moments of language brilliance by different members.

Jono was entertaining in his role as the Timer, especially when he visibly timed himself during his introduction. It was evident he took his role very seriously.

William delivered his introduction and evaluation with the smooth slickness of a seasoned Toastmaster. The force was definitely with him last night.

I will remember Karnan’s icebreaker speech because it began visually as a reverie on the white board. He also shared the challenges of having a family name that changes through generations.

Manu stepped into his second evaluation role with a clear and concise introduction and a well-summed evaluation of a speech.

Tian’s narcissistic humour began in his humourous speech about himself and continued during his unprofessed love for the sound of his own voice during Table Topics. He had everyone in stitches.

As Topicsmaster, Richard challenged us with his provocative questions from villa versus modern homes to over-rated musicians versus under-rated musicians. My personal favourite was, “What name most resembles me?”

Daniel ended the meeting on a high note by presenting us with a humourous, narcissistic yet critical take on a general evaluation. This was his best evaluation yet.

As Toastmaster, this meeting was most memorable because we were relaxed yet formal, humourous yet serious and provocative yet respectful.


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