🏆 Contest Results 📢

Twice a year, our club competes in the Toastmasters speech contests. This includes the Humourous Speech Contest, for which contestants have prepared a 5-7 min speech that is humourous in nature, and the Evaluation Contest, where contestants give a short speech with constructive feedback for another speaker. Here are our club’s winners:

Humourous Speech Contest:
🥇 Michael
🥈 Mekdim

Evaluation Contest:
🥇 Sam
🥈 Jack

Congratulations to our winners! All four of them stepped out of the comfort zone of our usual meeting routine and achieved another important milestone as public speakers. The area contests, which is where our winners will compete against those of neighbouring Toastmasters clubs, will be held on Saturday, 12 February 2022.

Our audience for the U-CAN-SPEAK speech contests tonight

A big thank you to everyone who also contributed to our contest night:
Ben Y as Contest Chair,
Rameshi as Chief Judge,
Preethi and Reuben as Tally Counters and Timers,
Dayle as Contest Sergeant at Arms,
and our 5 Judges!

Congratulations to Sam for completing his Level 1 award in the Dynamic Leadership path! VP Membership Kate presented the certificate.

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